Year 5
Welcome to Year 5! Here you can find out all about what we will be learning this year. Our Year 5 team is Mrs Lee (Year group leader), Miss Filmer and Mr Price. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us at the end of the day, write a note in your child's planner or email us on our year group email address
The Year 5 Curriculum
Each term our projects are carefully planned to ensure all of the objectives for Year 5 are taught in an appropriate sequence. You can find out all about the content of each subject area by visiting our Curriculum Page and selecting the subject you are interested in. Individual subjects are grouped together into common areas, for example STEM subjects such as Science, Computing and DT are under the Science and Technology tab.
Each term you can see our Curriculum Map and Knowledge Organiser to get more specific information on what your child will be learning that term. These can be found below.
The Maths Curriculum in Year 5
Click here to view the maths curriculum for year 5 at GDPS.
Curriculum Maps 2024-2025
Year 5 Spring Term 2025 Curriculum Map
Project take away and homework
As well as your child's weekly homework there is a project takeaway to complete each term linked to their project.
Year 5 Spring Term 2025 Project Take Away
Click on the link here to view the homework expectations for Year 5.
Year 5 Knowledge Organiser
Click here to view your child's knowledge organiser for this term which you can look over with your child to help them retain information for their new project.
Termly Newsletters
Click on the links below to read the termly newsletter for Year 5. This will give you the key dates and an overview of all of the exciting learning that will be taking place that term!
Year 5 Spring Term 2025 Newsletter
Science Topic Pages
Below are the documents which show you the knowledge your children will be learning in science throughout the year:
Y5 Materials - properties & changes of materials
Y5 Living things & their habitats
Things you can do at home if you are off school or would like additional work:
In your planner (home school book), explore:
P95 - recommended reading books
P101 - Keywords - how many of the year 5/6 words can you spell? Can you spell the year 3/4 words too?
P147 - Roman numerals - can you read and write them?
P148 - time
P150 - 2d shapes
P151 - 3d shapes
P153 - Map of the United Kingdom - do you know all our home countries?
P154 - World map - which countries can you pick out?
P155 - Country flags and capitals - how many can you remember?
P158 - Random acts of kindness
P160-162 - The body
P163 - Spanish words - can you count to 20 and re-call the days of the week?
Reading The link below will take you to the top-recommended reads for Year 5. Some of these books you may have at home or can be purchased on Amazon or on Kindle.
Maths Use your My Maths login to complete your homework tasks for the week and then play additional games and activities. Practice your time's tables using your TTRockstars login. |
BBC Bitesize Home Learning The BBC have produced lessons and resources for parents to sue with their children linked to the national curriculum. |
National Oak Academy Use the link below to the National Oak Academy and select Key Stage 2 to find lessons for your child to follow. |