Who’s Who?
Mrs D Burgess - Headteacher
Meet Our Staff
Click on the link above to see all of our amazing staff!
Every September all of our staff take part in something called the ‘Great Denham Odyssey.’ This is where they experience a slice of a project to gain a deeper understanding of how our curriculum works and what it is like for the children experiencing our curriculum.
Great Denham Staff Odyssey 2024
This year we focused on three key concepts for our Odyssey - creativity, pride and individuality. Staff were inspired by our expert bakers who demonstrated some cake decorating techniques and it was lovely to welcome back one of our ex - pupils, Freya, as one of our experts.
Staff had to answer the essential question ' How do we use our individuality to create something to be proud of?' and worked on their bakes to reflect this question. Look at the results of their bakes and how creative and individual they were!
Great Denham Staff Odyssey 2023
The outcome of our Odyssey was re-writing our family songs. Staff began by having a performance from a singer where they could enjoy a range of music and reconnect with other staff in their family group. Following on from this all staff then went on an immersive experience exploring their 'element.' Aqua family went on a river boat trip, Ventus family flew kites on Dunstable Downs, Ignis family lit fires in the woods and Terra family visited some beautiful gardens. Whilst on these visits they gathered vocabulary linked to their element and then returned to school to write their new poems and present them to the other staff. The poems they created will now be turned into a family song with a songwriter and some of our pupils! Watch this space for the results of the songs!
Great Denham Staff Odyssey 2021
Staff came back from the pandemic with a bang in September 2021! Working on the key concepts of community, tradition and diversity they tried to answer the essential questions 'Can food bring us together?' The day began with a stunning start with a visit from an expert chef, the Masterchef finalist, Steve Barringer, from Eileen's Kitchen, Ampthill, who demonstrated his talents followed by the staff being set the challenge of producing 12 uniform hors d’oeuvres that reflect the food of the country they were given. The day then included a visit to try authentic cuisine from their country and culminated in a fabulous finish where they presented their hors d'oeuvres to a panel including Steve! Following on from this were 2 days of workshops where staff had training on all aspects of REAL projects.
Great Denham Staff Odyssey 2019
Staff took part in a treasure hunt around Bedfordshire working on teamwork skills and learning about possible places to visit within the local area of historical and geographical interest.
Great Denham Staff Odyssey 2017 Great Denham Staff Odyssey 2016
Employee Salary Information (earning over £100k per annum)
Schools are required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.
All staff employed directly by the school are paid in accordance with the school Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms and Conditions (support staff).
No employee earns over £100,000 per annum.