About Us
Great Denham Primary School and Pre-School is situated at the heart of the Great Denham Community and conveniently situated for Bedford town and road links to the M1 and A1. Great Denham village is a new and growing community with facilities including a Nursery, Sainsbury's Local, independent retail outlets and The new Village Hall which opened in 2016.
Our school opened in September 2012 with just 100 pupils, we have now grown to over 560 pupils in 2022! We are now a three-form entry primary school in all year groups. We also have a Nursery class for children from the September after their third birthday. When our pupils leave us at the end of Year 6 they transfer to one of many local secondary schools.
Great Denham Primary School opened its doors for the first time in September 2012 with just over 100 children and 15 staff. In 2023 we now have over 625 children and 100 staff! The school had a 7 classroom extension in 2018 and we are now taking 90 children in each year group up to Year 5. In September 2024, we have over 650 children.
Many of the original staff remain at the school including the Headteacher and one of the Deputy Headteachers. We have 25 of our staff who have received their ten year pin badge award!
Our Family Groups
When children leave our early years they join one of our four family groups which they will remain in until they leave GDPS in Year 6. Each family group wears their own coloured polo shirt and there are regular opportunities throughout the term for children to learn, play and compete in their family group. Each family has a head boy and girl who are elected by the rest of their family. The head boys and girls are children from Year 6. The idea of having family groups came from wanting to create a small school feel within a large primary school. Each family has a Head of family (a member of the school leadership team). Our families have even written their own family songs which we sing regularly in assembly!
Our family groups are as follows:
Terra(meaning earth) |
Ignis(meaning fire) |
Ventus(meaning air) |
Aqua(meaning water) |
Mrs Burgess with some of our ex pupils of Great Denham Primary.